Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The floor in the bathroom is now tiled (if you can't tell from the photo, the dark squares are a really deep blue) and the tile guy is working on the walls today. He is doing such a great job and he is so nice, but I hate having people working in my house! Even though I'm paying for their labor, I feel so guilty if I'm not bustling around being productive too. The tile guy (is there an official term for this vocation? I think "mason" only refers to brick and stone layers) had time on Sunday, so he arrived bright and early (8:30 on Sunday morning!) to install the radiant heat. To me, Sunday is the day to stay in your pajamas all morning, eat pancakes and read the paper. Unfortunately, since I can't bear the thought of lounging around while someone is working in my house, instead of struggling with the New York Times crossword, I vacuumed and mopped all the floors in the house. Right now, he is toiling away while I am on the computer--he doesn't know I'm blogging, though. I'm doing lots of pen chewing and brow furrowing, so maybe I've tricked him into believing that I'm working on some monumental project, or writing the next great American novel. Gack, I can't sit around anymore, the guilt is becoming too oppressive, I should go grab a broom!


Victoria said...

I am EXACTLY the same way. I come up with the most inane shit to do if someone else is there working at my house. Thank goodness we never had a maid, it probably would have been pointless.

Anonymous said...

Emily..The floor looks great..I think the correct vocational term is "tile setter", but "tile guy" works for me..:)..and I know what you mean about feeling "uncomfortable or unproductive" when someone is working on something in your house..not sure why that is, but I bet most people feel that way.

Anonymous said...

The thing is this:
This [expert with long experience] makes it look so easy I should have been able to do it myself and here I sit looking lazy instead.
Don't fool yourself. Be glad you can hire and even find soemone who does good work. Enjoy their company. They are rare. Learn from their movements and procedures. You may even try to (DIY) in the future. Ask to watch and don't make comments because some like to work in a singular focused way.

Michele said...

LOL Emily! I understand this 100%, just like Victoria. In fact, it's how I feel just when Ian's home, since he's always so busy and I'm...um...not. I like it best when it's just me and Mr. Baggins at home, because he's as lazy as I am. The kitten's WAY too busy for me... :-)

The tile looks great!

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