Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Junior High Social Studies Book Was Wrong!

For the past 3 weeks, Kevin has been on an insane trip around the world for work. He started in China, then on to the Philippines, then to Singapore, and now he is in Brazil. He has been to all the Asian destinations numerous times, but this is his first time in Brazil, and I think I was a lot more excited about it than he was. I repeatedly asked him to take tons of pictures and to tell me all about it...we had a chance to talk about his experiences on the phone yesterday:

Kevin: I know you want me to take pictures, but what kind of pictures? The whorehouse? The dumpsters? The hotel isn't in a very nice area of town!
Me: Monkeys and parrots, obviously!
Kevin: I'm in the middle of a city of 1,000,000 people, there are no monkeys or parrots.
Me: Can't you take an afternoon off and visit the rain forest?
Kevin: Um, no, Porto Allegre isn't in the rain forest part of Brazil, it's in the plains. If I left the city, I could take pictures of beef cattle for you...seriously, people are crazy for steak here!
Me: So you haven't seen any cool animals at all?
Kevin: I saw a cat earlier today.
Me: Like a panther?
Kevin: No, like a cute little house cat...I'm in a city of 1,000,000 people, remember?
Me: So basically, you're saying that there is a wider variety of fauna sitting in our family room right now than you'll be able to see during your entire trip to Brazil?
Kevin: That is what I'm saying.


Keera Ann Fox said...

Ever get the feeling that travel is over-rated? ;-)

Victoria said...

hahahaha! Funny. :-)
To echo Keera even though it sometimes isn't a popular view, I think travel is usually overrated. I hope Kevin gets home soon. He must be exhausted.

Michele said...

Hi Emily! LOL So, in your next post, I expect to see pictures of whorehouses, dumpsters, and beef cattle. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Em,

Just checking in to touch base...sorry to hear about Kevin's mom. Please convey our condolences.

Yup - I've heard the same thing about travel in Mexico. Tourists see what they want you to see while everywhere else they live in abysmal conditions.

I thought Oprah did a good job with the Puppymill Awareness program. So often people (want to)think that 'saved' a puppy in a store while they have in fact perpetuated the gruesome cycle.

Give me a call - we gotta do lunch one day soon. I think its my turn to treat!

Emily said...

Keera, I do enjoy seeing new things, but I have noticed that most places aren't quite as pretty as their postcards...there is always a power line or something in the way of the perfect view. Very annoying for a photography nut like me! (And the dearth of monkeys in most places, don't even get me started!)
Victoria, Kevin gets home tomorrow (Sat.) morning for a whopping 36 hours, then he is off to Norway for a week...sigh.
Michele, I do hope Kevin delivers, I'll post whatever random photos he did take.
Robin, the landscapers are starting on Wed. so very shortly we will have a new and improved backyard and fabulous patio--I'm hoping that maybe you can come here for lunch by the lake! Emily

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