Friday, April 25, 2008

The Bows Will Be Ripped Out By Morning

Poor Honey, she's so exhausted after a day of pampering at the grooming salon! She is collapsed in a heap on the couch, her eyes are droopy and she can't even keep her tongue in her mouth. At least her little red bows are still perky!


Anonymous said...

Awwww....I can totally relate to the "pooped" feeling..she looks like me after a day at work..and I don't even get any red bows..:( LOL

Jo said...

Our dogs come back from the parlour complete with bows, our Border Collie Chess looks totally ridiculous with them in, but we havent got the heart to tell the parlour lady. Five-browns.blogspot also has a 'honey' who incidentally looks exactly the same!!!

Emily said...

Rosemary, I know, she looks like she spent the day in the trenches, not an afternoon being washed, dried and fluffed!
Joanne, I think Honey looks ridiculous in her bows too, that's why I'm so compelled to photograph her after a trip to the groomer! And another "Honey" who looks like my "Honey"? I'll have to check her out! Emily

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