Friday, April 4, 2008


I was driving to my mom's house in Sherrill, NY, and passed this little pond covered in ducks, geese and seagulls.
The noise of their wings when they took off was unbelievable!

When I got to my mom's house, I mentioned all the birds and she said she had actually seen them on the local news...nope, there isn't much late-breaking, hard-hitting news around these parts!


Keera Ann Fox said...

Great pics! Birds are better than news, IMO.

Victoria said...

Very pretty!

Michele said...

Beautiful pictures, Emily. You live in such a lovely place. Even with the shooting-deer-from-his-front-porch guy living nearby, I can totally see why you like it there. I bet it's fantastic in the summer!

Anonymous said...

Wow..isn't nature awesome..did ya feel a bit like Tippi Hedren,though? I'd be looking around for usual, your pictures are spectacular!!

Emily said...

Keera, I agree, I'm certainly not complaining about the lack of crime and corruption on the local news!
Victoria, thanks!
Michele, ha ha! To follow up on that story, I did choose to use a different landscaper, one who did not agree to set the deer up for carnage...I guess I "fixed his wagon", or however that saying goes.
Rosemary, I did get a little nervous as they all flew over my head--I wasn't worried about them pecking my eyes out or anything, but I really didn't want to be pooped on! Emily

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