Friday, January 18, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust

I think our new house has some seriously bad juju! Our washing machine died in a most spectacular fashion--sudsy water everywhere, quickly soaking through the few boxes still sitting around. (They are now unpacked--nothing motivates me to unpack quicker than the threat of all my possessions mildewing!) On the bright side, we have a lovely matching front-loading Whirlpool washer and dryer set scheduled to be delivered tomorrow afternoon. I'm a little OCD when it comes to doing laundry, so the idea of a brand new, shiny washer and dryer has me all atwitter!


Keera Ann Fox said...

If'n it is bad juju, maybe some feng shui will help. Sad to have a nice house seem to not like its owners. If I may anthropomorphize a bit.

Victoria said...

Lucky you!! Its a blessing in disguise. We had the Whirlpool Duet - LOVED them! Especially love them after all the angst I've been suffering over the washer and dryer we have here. I'm sort of crazed about laundry too, well actually, germs in general.

CFLiz said...

Just be glad you don't have to use a shared laundry room in the basement - although at least no mountains of quarters (or the Norwegian equivalent) are required in my building...

Michele said...

Emily, no way! I just got a new washing machine, too! Seriously, it was delivered last week. I'm so stoked. I have to blog about how much I love my new machine and how much I hated the old one. Here's to clean clothes! Where's that waiter with the drinks? :-)

Emily said...

Keera, I have a book about feng shui, it might be time to crack it open!
Victoria, you are so right--the new washer and dryer are fabulous. If it's possible to love appliances, I do, I really do!
Liz, yeah, I remember those shared laundry room days, and I don't think I could ever go back. I'm way too spoiled now!
Michele, isn't it the best! I know some people love that new car smell, but for me, the scent of a brand new, unsullied appliance takes the cake! Emily

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