Saturday, January 5, 2008


In 2008, I resolve to:

1) Stop procrastinating so much. Hmm, I'm doing my New Year resolutions on January 5...I definitely need to work on this!

2) Stop swearing like a sailor. Due to all of the moving turmoil, I have cursed approximately 1,347 times since the ball dropped. Luckily, our furniture is supposed to arrive at 8:00 on Tuesday morning, and we have 6 movers scheduled to meet and unload the container in 2 hours, so maybe I'll be able to tone down the saucy language by February!

3) Stop watching so much mindless TV. I have been glued to the "America's Next Top Model" marathon on VH1 this week. Today I was at the animal shelter taking pictures of dogs to put online on Petfinder, and I actually found myself saying, "Work it, Mango! Looking good, Ginger! Beautiful, beautiful!" Yeah, I really need to turn off the TV and read a book or something!

4) Start eating better. I feed my pets all-natural, by-product free food, yet I gobble down buckets of preservatives and chemicals. I need to drink a little more water and a lot less Diet Coke, I need to put down the donuts and pick up some grapes.

I should probably make a few more resolutions, but I'll get around to it later. The damn Oreos are calling my name, and I'm pretty curious about what Tyra and company are doing now. Eh, I have almost 12 months to improve, right?


Michele said...

hahahaHAH! Great post, Emily. I wish you luck in achieving all of your resolutions, or, at the very least, to not feel too f-ing bad if you don't. :-)

By the way, if cursing is the only thing you're doing to relieve the stress of your move, you're doing very well, girlfriend. It's when you're throwing things and crying uncontrollably while driving alone that you need to worry. Or, um, maybe that only happens to people when we move TO Norway? :-)

CFLiz said...

Hey, I curse uncontrollably all the time, and I favor the very X-rated variety. Anyone who hears me is horrified, so I think it is fair to say that I'm way worse than you - and nothing very bad has even happened in my case! I swear relentlessly for the smallest little things. Even in public.

As for food, I'd have the same problem if I lived there...oh wait, there's a sports bag chock full of American sugary junk under my couch. Woo!

Emily said...

Michele, I had some of those sobbing jags in the car in Gjovik too--must be a Norwegian thing! I've been relatively tantrum-free here in New York.
Liz, good to know I'm not the only one with a foul mouth around here! So do you swear in Norwegian or English or both? Emily

CFLiz said...

Both, and I grew up with parents swearing in about 4 languages, so... :) The really obscene stuff is largely in Norwegian though, which makes it pretty safe for use in public elsewhere.

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