Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Suburban Jungle

I was supposed to be at Petsmart today, taking pictures of pets with Santa (the profits go to the local animal shelter). Instead, I'm stuck at home due to intense snow, wind and sleet. I did go to Petsmart yesterday, which was so much fun. I love seeing all those cute dogs, although I have to wonder if tiny leather dog jackets and pink dog dresses are really the best use of expendable income! One customer came in for a picture with her python--I felt sorry for Santa, but he was a pretty good sport about it. (Except for when it started slithering up closer to his face!) While the snake was hanging out with Santa, I chatted with its owner. She said she dresses it up for Halloween, at which point I blurted out, "As what, a sock puppet?" Yeah, tact isn't always my forte.
My animal adventures weren't over once I left the store. When I got home and let the dogs out, Kermit saw the neighbor's little Yorkie hanging out in its yard. He raced over to the fence, which is wrought iron with bars spaced about 4 inches apart. My 75 pound collie managed to squeeze his head, a leg and one shoulder through as I watched his contortions in horror. At some point, the hard, cold reality of physics hit him, and he realized he was stuck fast. He tried to back up, he whimpered, he wiggled, and finally he collapsed in a pile of defeat, his head still wedged through the bars. At this point, I was a little panicky--what should I do? Call 911, call his veterinarian, or just slather his head in butter and hope for the best? Thankfully, my ill-conceived butter plan never came to fruition, as Kermit gave one last mighty heave and his head popped back through the bars. I would love to think that he has learned his lesson, but I have a feeling that the next time a dog or cat or squirrel darts past the fence, he's going to try to follow it again. Maybe I should invest in a tub of Crisco to keep on the patio, just in case?


Victoria said...

I'm glad you aren't frozen solid yet! I've seen all the bad weather reported on the news. It doesn't look fun at all! I'm glad Kermit is ok - I've seen them do those type of rescues on Animals Cops - actually they did use oil or something on a dog.

Emily said...

Victoria, ha ha, I was totally kidding about buttering Kermit's head, I can't believe I wasn't that far off! Emily

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