Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reason #592 I Will Vote for Obama/Biden in November

I generally leave politics out of my blog. I'm not an expert, and I have no desire to engage in a political debate. I'm not trying to offend anyone...I have some wonderful friends and family who are staunch Republicans, and I love and respect them. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about their vote. That being said, if you are undecided thus far, and you are concerned about the rights and welfare of animals (wildlife, farm animals and pets) please read this article:


Michele said...

This is my favorite line:

"The choice for animals is especially clear now that Palin is in the mix."

Too right! That woman makes my skin crawl. Go Obama!

If you need another reason to vote Obama, check this out:


Emily said...

Hi Michele, yes, Palin's wolf-massacre policy alone makes me nauseous...I just can't imagine how she is able to sleep at night.

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