Friday, September 5, 2008

Bloggy Ups and Downs

I have not been feeling like writing much lately...because I have a site meter, I have a pretty good idea of who is reading this blog (it lets me know the city, state and country in which a reader is located) and I think this knowledge makes me censor myself to the point that it is no longer a joy to write. Instead, I'm constantly thinking about not offending anyone, about not hurting anyone's feelings, about not letting certain people too deep into our life. Some really funny things have happened lately, the kind of things that make me want to call a friend and exclaim, "Can you believe that s/he wore that/said that/did that?" but I can't write about it for fear that someone will recognize themselves in my blog and be hurt. In summary, central New York is full of quirky, wacky characters...I wish I could tell you more, but I can't!
A couple of days ago, something happened that made me appreciate all the blogging I did in the past. Kevin downloaded a bunch of updates onto my computer and somehow all my files, including all my photos, were deleted. I lost all my Lofoten pictures, but thankfully my best photos of the archipelago are saved on the blog, I lost all my Grand Canyon photos, but again, the best ones are posted on the blog. (Luckily all the photos I took while living in Norway are saved and backed up on another computer.)
Anyway, the point of this ramble is that I'm trying to think of a way to continue this journal, both as a way to keep in touch with friends and family, and as a way to preserve memories for myself, without oversharing or offending anyone. Or maybe I'll just post tons of pictures of cute animals. Whatever, I'll figure something out!


Victoria said...

Hey Em - you could make it private and only invited people could read. Or start a seperate one and just post cute pics on this one. :-) I had all those same thoughts but decided to start writing again. Of course I'll never be rude but in general I'm going to try to stop worrying about it too much. We'll see how that goes. :-)

Anonymous said...

Emily..I know we only got connected thru your living in Norway,so we don't really "know" each other, but I just want you to know how much I have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy your blogs and pics..even if they aren't of Norway any longer.. :) speak so eloquently of your experiences and your pictures are ABSOLUTELY amazing..and I,for one,would miss checking in with you terribly..albeit I don't check in as often as I used to..I really hope you work out your concerns and continue to blog..and if you do as Victoria suggested and make it private, I hope you would honor me and place me on your "invited friends" list.. :)

Michele said...

Hi Emily! I hope you do decide to keep writing because you have a gift for it. Plus, selfishly, you often make me laugh and I need that. :-)

Honestly, I don't think censoring is always a bad thing, since it stops us from posting something which would probably just embarrass us later. So, even though it makes blogging more difficult, it makes for better writing, better content, and better vibes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Em,
Hope all is well. How do you track who's reading it, e.g., how do you create a site meter?! :)


Emily said...

Victoria, I for one am so glad you are writing again! Yay for that!
Rosemary, I'm going to keep writing here, no worries. I know I don't know you in person, but I definitely consider you a friend!
Michele,I agree, censorship isn't always a bad thing, and at least I generally don't go back, read old posts, cringe and think, "I can't believe I wrote that!"
Kari, go to:

Site Meter